How to treat painful varicose veins

If you have varicose veins you’re already familiar with the terrible pain caused by peripheral circulation failure. See what natural remedies for varicose veins are available for you.

Cypress oil
Although little is known about its benefits, cypress oil can do wonders if you massage the varicose veins. It has anti-inflammatory effects, improves venous circulation and reduces swelling.

Rosemary mint
Another combination with soothing and anti-inflammatory effect that improves legs circulation is the essential mint and rosemary oil.
Both oils relax the muscles, reduce inflammation and tired feet swelling. In addition, the refreshing peppermint effect helps relieve varicose veins pain.

Lemon and calendula essential oil
If lemon brings freshness and reduces inflammation, calendula essential oil is very good for any skin problem.
From acne, psoriasis and varicose veins, the calendula essential oil soothes, reduces swelling and pain miraculously.

Image Credits: Dok-1

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