How to Look 10 Years Younger With This Amazing Russian Elixir?

This amazing youth elixir is based only on herbs: chamomile, coriander and birch buds. It may be hard to believe, but if you follow this procedure step-by-step you’ll no longer have to worry about wrinkles, saggy face, brown spots and even you’ll health will improve. You’ll feel younger with every inch of your body. This youth elixir will slow the aging process and it will make you feel ten years younger.

Here’s what you need to prepare it at home:

– 100 g of chamomile
– 100 grams of coriander
– 4 ml of birch buds extract

How to prepare?
Mix chamomile and coriander then put them in container. With a spoon, mix again the herbs and pour over them 500 ml of boiling water and stir again. Let the mixture to infuse for 20 minutes then strain the liquid. Before consuming this amazing mixture add the birch buds extract. If you want to improve the taste, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Keep this drink in a thermos to stay warm. Drink half of this elixir in the morning on an empty stomach, and the other half in the evening before going to sleep. After drinking this, in the evening, you’re not allowed to drink or eat anything. Repeat the procedure a whole month. If you are satisfied with the results of this elixir, you can repeat the entire procedure after one year break.

This amazing Russian elixir will rejuvenate not only your skin, but it will also improve your health. It will help you lose weight without changing your diet due to improved metabolism. It will also get you rid of toxins, will improve your heart functions, liver and kidneys. It works in different fields to get you rid of many diseases.

Image Credits: Alaskapublic

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