Homemade rice mask that reduces and prevents wrinkles

Rich in squalene and linoleic acid, in powerful antioxidants that stimulate collagen production and prevent wrinkles, vitamin E, rice is the magical element that explains the beauty of the Japanese women.
If you want to have a perfect and radiant complexion, you should use more often this amazing rice mask. Here’s how to prepare:

– 3 tablespoons of rice
– 1 tablespoon of honey
– 1 tablespoon of milk

Preparation method
Boil the rice and strain it, keeping the water in which rice has boiled. This liquid has antioxidant properties, moisturizes the skin and stimulates blood circulation. In addition, it makes wrinkles less visible and reduces inflammation.
Mix the warm milk with the rice and a spoonful of honey.

How to use the rice mask
Clean your face, apply the mask and let it cool. Rinse your face with the water in which rice has boiled. To get the best results, treatment should be repeated at least once a week.

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