Best natural cure to detox your liver

Raisins are among the most effective ingredients for cleansing the liver. See how to use them to get rid of toxins in 4 weeks.

The liver performs many functions, like digestion and cleaning the blood of toxins and impurities. From time to time a detoxification cure with raisins it’s indicated. For this treatment to be effective, you must know how to choose the fruits.

Choose organic fruits as dark and as dry as possible. Put them 15 minutes in water then rinse them well and put them in a bowl. Boil some water in a separate pot, and when it reaches room temperature, pour it over the raisins. Fill with water the fruit bowl and let them sit until the next morning.
Note that this process must begin in the morning in order to allow raisins stand 24 hours in water. The next day, drink the water and eat the fruit as soon as you wake up. The next step is lying in bed and staying face up for 2-3 hours. On the right side of the abdomen apply warm compresses. Do this treatment once a week for a month.

How do you realize that you need detoxification
When the liver is not working well, can you deal with excessive sweating, itching, weight gain or, conversely, loss of appetite.

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