With 1 Cup Of This Infusion You Will Forget About Diarrhea

Considered the youth elixir, pomegranate has anti-aging effects and fights against diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart problems and arthritis. And not only…this fruit is the best weapon against diarrhea. So, prepare a pomegranate peel infusion to take advantage of its beneficial properties. How to prepare the infusion: Pour 300 ml of boiled water, over 10-12 grams of dry pomegranate peels. …

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Homemade Toothpaste To Keep Cavities Away

Oral hygiene plays an important role in health that is why we should take proper care of our teeth to avoid other diseases. Most toothpaste composition is toxic, because it’s full of ingredients such as sugar, fluoride and artificial colors. But the below toothpaste is organic being useful in combating many dental disorders. Natural toothpaste with peppermint oil Ingredients: – …

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Calvin’s Remedy To Get Rid Of Herpes In Less Than 24 Hours

Celandine ointment is external use only, and it can treat various affections such as: as boils, warts, cuts, infected wounds, eczema, psoriasis, brown spots, herpes, impetigo, chapped skin, scabies and lupus. The effectiveness of this ointment was tested on my lover, and he got rid of herpes in less than 24 hours. I truly recommended it, because it has no …

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Drink This During The Day To Get Rid Of Constipation and Abdominal Cramps

This starchy vegetable has many health benefits, being very effective in losing weight, too. But to get rid of constipation, makes potatoes one of the best remedies to relieve abdominal cramps. There are various myths about potatoes that they kill you, and other little lies. Fresh potatoes are a real ray of light for your health. On the other hand, …

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How To Get Rid Of A Toothache With This Ancient Dental Remedy

Cloves have the power to stop an annoying toothache right away! They are rich in a substance called eugenol (between 70-90%) that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties. Back in time, cloves were the first choice made both patients and dentists to get rid of toothaches, especially when dental instruments looked like torture utensils than something that helps to relieve …

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Dry Scalp Will Be Just A Bad Dream With This Homemade Remedy

Dry scalp is a common condition that can be treated quickly as long as we know exactly the causes of its occurrence. The main reasons for dry scalp are: hot baths, prolong sun exposure, poor quality shampoos and weather changes. A dry scalp leads often to dandruff appearance, and this can be very frustrating for anyone. Even if dry scalp …

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The Vinegar Socks Remedy To Get Rid Of Fever In Babies

Fever is a sign that the body is fighting with an infection, and most of the time is not dangerous, unless it exceeds 40 degrees C. Fever in children should be treated quickly, either with medications or with natural remedies. Below you have some natural remedies that can lower your baby’s fever quickly. Raw potatoes compresses Potatoes are a great …

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Homemade Antibiotic To Get Rid Of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common health condition, every woman confronts at least once in her life. The great news of this painful situation is that it can be treated with natural remedies. So, try the following natural drink, tremendous effective to get rid of UTI. Ingredients: – ½ cup of cranberry – ½ lemon without peel …

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Effective Homemade Ointment To Get Rid Of Back Pain In 3 Hours

This is a simple remedy, easy to prepare at home. Treat successfully arthritis, back pain and everything associated with bone and muscle pain. If your feet are tired, and every bone in your body hurts, this wonder-ointment will get you rid of these pains. To prepare this remedy you will need: – honey – mustard (preferably warm) – salt – …

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Homemade Hand Cream To Get Rid Of Cracked Hands

Baby oil is a very good moisturizer. It nourishes baby’s skin in depth, leaving it soft and smooth. Then, why not use it for dry or cracked hands? Apply it on your hands by massaging lightly, then put on rubber gloves and let it work overnight. In the morning, wash your hands well and use regular cream. Olive oil, rich …

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Effective Cabbage Remedy To Get Rid Of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that usually appears until the age of 30 and is characterized by the appearance of large and red spots covered by peelings, especially in the knee, elbow and wrist area. Psoriasis is favored by stress, tension, side effects of drug treatments or infections. Once installed, complete healing becomes difficult, and often, if stress appears …

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The Australian Diet To Get Rid Of Wrinkles From Inside-Out

Beyond creams and other expensive products that promise to erase wrinkles, a proper diet is as much as effective to fight with the aging effects. An Australian nutritionist has made a list of the most important antioxidant foods that will bring back shine on your face, and will get you rid of wrinkles. Foods that fight aging Sweet potatoes Sweet …

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How To Get Rid Of Droopy Eyelids Without Surgery

Most of the time, droopy eyelids are the results of natural aging process, but they can also be the result of stress or other illnesses. Surgery can get you rid of this problem quickly, but it is very expensive, and involves some risks. But there is a natural way to get rid of this problem. First of all, wash your …

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Beer Syrup To Get Rid Of Smoker’s Cough In 1 Day

Smoker’s cough is an extremely annoying cough, both for the sick person and the ones around you. The great news is that you can get rid of it with the following remedy. If you face with smoker’s cough or you have been cold and the dry cough annoys you, learn how to prepare a beer syrup to get rid of …

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Cheap Natural Antibiotic To Fight Any Infection In The Body

During winter, our immune system is weak and we get sick more often. Instead of swallowing a lot of antibiotics, you can prepare a natural antibiotic right at home. This drink has brilliant effects, and its ingredients are cheap with no side effects at all. Ingredients – Half a spoon of ground red pepper – 2 tablespoons of ginger powder …

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